I think the Gobots are invading the Transformers universe, here is my reasoning
In Withered Hope, the Gobots are shown to be loosing their universe because of the new Classics Universe the Collector's club produced (besically that universe' creation is encroaching on the Gobot Universe, so they sent 6 Gobots to infiltrate that universe, however they got redirected to the Transtech universe by accident. However, at the end of that story, it's shown that MORE Gobots have been being sent as well
Well the Gobots that have been appearing all over the multiverse might NOT just be visual cameos...here are the sightings:
Dreamwave - A whole crap load of Gobots have been seen like Cy-Kill and Cop-Tur (eg Armada)
Transtech - Small Foot, Treds, Bad Boy, Bug Bite, Path Finder and Road Ranger were sent to infiltrate the classics universe, but got sent to the Transtech one (however by the end they all wind up in the Classics Universe)
Megatron Origin - Cy-Kill and Crasher are seen in the gladiatorial battles
The Ascending - Pincher is seen dead
Shattered Glass - Fitor, Cy-Kill and Leader One are all seen in crowds, also Crasher is seen in stories later (Crasher even reacts weirdly when Cliffjumper says "we just got some of your types in my universe actually" referring to her being female, but she might have thought he meant it was because she was a gobot)
Movies - Fracture, Deadlift, Reverb and Backtrack all look like a gobot (Crasher, Spoons, Dart and Nightranger)
Wings - Cop-Tur has been released a toy from this section, and Rest-Q has been seen
Seriously, the Transtech police should look into this or something!