I loved it!!
Okay basic stuff:
CharactersCliffjumper - He's lovable, but killed in the first few minutes of the show, but is then revived as a Dark Energon zombie by Megatron, and then blown up again (KENNY!)
Bulkhead - Not seen much of him yet, but he seems more serious and violent than the TFA guy
Ratchet - Cantankerous :3
Bumblebee - Silent, but talks in beeps and whirs
Optimus Prime- He's a Truck and a leader
Arcee - My fave so far, she's distraught after Cliff's death and isn't afraid to show it (but not in a sappy crying way)
Megatron - Been gone ins pace for 3 years, has come back with Dark Energon (Unicron's blood) he infects himself with it at the end of episode 2
Starscream - He leads the Decepticons on Earth when Megatron is gone
Soundwave - Very creepy, he doesn't talk, he has a monitor of sorts for a face which he uses to relay recordings to others...he sort of looks like the Grim Reaper
Eradicon Drones - Stormtroopers, they're the crowd fillers for the Decepticons here
Raph - Computer Genius Kid, he can actually understand Bumblebee's noises, and so Bumblebee is his guardian
Miko - She loves machines (and she's japanese...not saying it's a sterotype but....) her guardian is Bulkhead
Jack - The main human I guess, not much is known about him yet, but he seems to live with his mother, June and not his dad, not sure yet though. His guardian is Arcee
Agent Fowler - The Autobots human liason, makes sense really
Good Parts
Cliffjumper dying was a nice shock
Arcee tells Jack to leave his mother a note before he leaves as she worries
We see all the alt modes of the characters shown here, except Shockwave, which is very handy
Frank Welker's voice isn't just a carbon copy of his G1 Megatron voice
Soundwave is cool
Arcee is awesome
The Autobot base is a former missile silo, which the Humans gave them, explaining how they have a base and can keep it secret
The base uses human computers for a currently unknown reason
Episode Two's cliffhanger of the Diagnostic equipment being mutated by the Dark Energon sample and starting to head into the Autobot Base DUN DUN DAH!!!
Bad/Annoying stuff
Starscream and Megs don't know what Dark Energon does...yet they used it in Exodus, which is supposed to be in this continuity
Optimus' voice is just the same as in G1 and the Movies..kinda disappointed
Will update as I think of more stuff later